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Lille punks are back with another dose of catchiness. 12 new songs of this singular brew who makes you sing along from the first listening.
There are new bands which catch your attention like a gripping face coming out of nowhere. The kind of unexpected phenomenon which might even make you like surprises. UNDER 45 probably says nothing to you but it’s only a matter of time before you get charmed by this very unique form of musical expression. Some might describe it as post-punk or try to assign to it a wide range of influence ...
Impressively packed in an epic and monumental artwork by Elzo Durt, “Bellatrix Boadicea” is a tumult of impressions, sensations and acts. The name “Bellatrix Boadicea” itself brings its share of mystery and it may sounds unfamiliar to some of us. This MARY BELL new full length gets its title from Boudica, the queen of a celtic tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of ...
It’s hard to realize that almost three years have passed since the release of ZONIE INFINIE second full length “Rester et Fuir” as the songs of the band sound timeless. “Dégâts” makes no difference to the very distinctive sense of both melancholy and warmth ZONE INFINIE has built its universe on. The band has no fear of integrating new influences and atmospheres to their punk music. These four ...
A year after the release of Bleakness first album « Functionally Extinct » december 2020 will see the release of another Bleakness record entitled « A world To Rebuild ». Rather than a continuation of the album, this records must be considered as an extension since it features tracks recorded in May 2019 at Swan Sound Studio during the same session as the full lenght.
This 6 son ...
Hell yeah! BOMBARDEMENT's Disbeaters, with Oriane as new singer, are back for a 2nd raid! The receipe is not really a secret, but still great cooked!! Beware of this new tracks, they will be made you take a summer hard ride on the Road to Hell! 4 new songs after their awesome first 12". New singer but still the same amount of rage and energy to bring the good old d-beat hardcore punk u ...